Source code for pythoncyc.PGDB

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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

import PTools
import sys
import config 
from PTools import PToolsError, PythonCycError
from PToolsFrame import Symbol, PFrame, convertLispIdtoPythonId
if 'IPython' in sys.modules:
    from IPython.display import display, HTML

[docs]def may_be_frameid(x): """ This fn is useful to convert a string to a symbol or a list of strings to a list of symbols, to make sure it is interpreted as a frame id; but not to apply any conversion when the arg is not a string or a list of strings. All functions of apply this fn on the arguments that need a frame ids or PFrames. Parm x: a Python object. Side Effect Raise an error, if x is not None, String, PFrame, or a list of these. Returns A symbol, list of symbols, or x unchanged. """ if x == None: return None elif isinstance(x,list): return [may_be_frameid(y) for y in x] if isinstance(x,PFrame): return x elif isinstance(x,basestring): return Symbol(x) else: raise PythonCycError('Error: the argument must a string or a PFrame but given {0}.'.format(x))
[docs]def mkey(s): """ A simple function to convert a string into a Lisp keyword. Parm s, any Python object Returns if s is a string, it is suffixed by ':', otherwise s itself. """ if isinstance(s,basestring): return ':'+s else: return s
[docs]def convertArgToLisp(arg, inquote=False): """ Convert the arg into an acceptable quoted object for Python server running on Pathway Tools. Note that any list is converted to a quoted Lisp list. Parm arg, a PFrame, a string, a number, a boolean, None or an s-expr. inquote, a Boolean, True => this arg is inside an already quoted expression. Return a string, the arg is transformed to be acceptable for the Python Lisp server. """ if isinstance(arg, Symbol): return ("" if inquote else "'")+arg._name # Type basestring includes string and unicode string. elif isinstance(arg, basestring): # It is either a symbol, a string or a keyword. # If it starts and ends with '|', assumes it is a symbol and add # a quote if not already in a quoted context otherwise just # translates to a string. # The tests for symbols and keywords are simplified # because if a tab or any characters not representing a Lisp # keyword or symbols is embedded in the string, it is not detected. if arg[0] == '|' and arg[-1] == '|' and not (' ' in arg): return ("" if inquote else "'")+arg elif arg[0] == ':' and not (' ' in arg): return arg else: return '"'+arg+'"' # Note: False and True are also of type int. # So, do this test before isinstance(... (int)) elif isinstance(arg, bool): return 't' if arg else 'nil' elif arg == None: return 'nil' elif isinstance(arg, (int, long, float, complex)): return str(arg) elif isinstance(arg, PFrame): # Just using the frameid is enough (there is no need to # refer to the PGDB) because the arg is used in a call # using the macro 'with-organism' where the PGDB is specified. return arg.frameid elif isinstance(arg, list): return (("" if inquote else "'") + '('+' '.join(convertArgToLisp(e,inquote=True) for e in arg) + ')') elif isinstance(arg, dict): # Convert a dictionary into a list of lists. # {'a':2, 'b':3} => (('a' . 2) ('b' . 3)) return convertArgToLisp(dict.items(arg)) elif isinstance(arg, tuple): # A Python tuple becomes an improper list in Lisp # (1,) => (NIL . 1) # (1,2) => (1 . 2) # (1,2,3) => (1 2 . 3) return (("" if inquote else "'") + '('+(' '.join(convertArgToLisp(e,inquote=True) for e in arg[0:-1]) if (len(arg)>1) else '()') + ' . ' + convertArgToLisp(arg[-1],inquote=True) + ')') else: raise PythonCycError('PythonCyc does not know how to convert to Lisp the Python argument {0}.'.format(arg))
[docs]def prepareFnCall(fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare all arguments and keyword arguments for a function call to Pathway Tools. Parms fn, a string, the name of the Lisp function to call. args, list of arguments kwargs, list of keyword arguments Return a string which represents a Lisp fn call with args and keyword args. """ args2 = ' '.join([convertArgToLisp(arg) for arg in args]) keywords = ' '.join([':'+key+' '+str(convertArgToLisp(kwargs[key])) for key in kwargs if kwargs[key] != None]) return '('+fn+' '+args2+' '+keywords+')'
[docs]class PGDB(): """ Please consult the the tutorial.html file under the doc directory for an introduction on how to use this class. """ def __init__(self, orgid): """ Once a PGDB object is created, it has been validated that the organism (orgid) exists on the running Pathway Tools server. From that PGDB object (e.g. ecoli), many classes of objects can be retrieved by using the attribute syntax of Python, such as ecoli.reactions. """ if config._debug: print "PGDB __init__" self._orgid = "unknown" self._error = False # All PFrame objects of the PGDB are stored in attribute _frames, keyed by their frame ids. self._frames = {} # Verify that the running Pathway Tools has the PGDB (organism). try: r = PTools.sendQueryToPTools('(orgid-exist-p \''+orgid+')') except PToolsError, msg: raise PythonCycError('Pathway Tools was unable to verify if organism (orgid) %s is known in your running Pathway Tools. More specifically: %s' % (orgid, msg)) if not r: raise PythonCycError("The organism orgid %s is unknown. Use pythoncyc.all_orgids() to get a list of known orgids." % orgid) self._error = True else: self._orgid = orgid return None def __getinitargs__(self): """ For the Pickle module. """ return (self._orgid,) def __getstate__(self): """ For the Pickel module """ return self.__dict__.copy() def __setstate__(self, dict): """ For the Pickel module """ self.__dict__ = dict def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return '<PGDB '+self._orgid+', currently has '+str(self._nb_pframes())+' PFrames>' def __dir__(self): return (dir(self.__class__) + self.__dict__.keys()) def _nb_pframes(self): """ Return the number of PFrame objects accessible as attributes for a PGDB object. """ return len(self._frames) def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if attr.startswith('_'): self.__dict__[attr] = val return None attrId = convertLispIdtoPythonId(attr) if isinstance(val, PFrame): self._frames[attrId] = val else: self.__dict__[attrId] = val return None def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Attributes for a PGDB may refer to frame ids. A frame id that has dashes in Pathway Tools, is converted to attribute with underscores '_' instead. If an attribute does not exist yet, a request to Pathway Tools is done to verify if it may exist as an instance or as a class. PFrame instances and classes are created automatically when the corresponding instances or classes exist in the PGDB. """ if config._debug: print "PGDB ",self._orgid, "__getattr__", attr # If the converted attribute exists as an attribute. attrId = convertLispIdtoPythonId(attr) if attrId in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[attrId] if isinstance(attr,int): return self._frames[attr] if attrId in self._frames: return self._frames[attrId] # It could be an access to a class of objects (e.g. genes -> |Genes|). realClassName = self.is_a_class_name(attr) if realClassName: # Use realClassName for the frame id, not attr. return self.get_class_data(realClassName) # It could be an instance in the PGDB. Try to create a frame for it. realInstanceName = self.is_an_instance_name(attr) if realInstanceName: # Use the realname for the frame-id so that retrieving the # object from Pathway Tools will work. f = PFrame(realInstanceName, self, getFrameData=True, isClass=False) return f else: return None if 'IPython' in sys.modules: def _ipython_display_(self): table = "<table>" # A PGDB frame may contain thousands of attributes, one # for each instance. This output is too large to print in # most cases. Print a succinct representation of the PGDB frame. table = table+"<tr><td>orgid</td><td>"+self._orgid+"</td></tr>" table = table+"<tr><td>Number of PFrames</td><td>"+str(self._nb_pframes())+"</td></tr>" table = table+"</table>" display(HTML(table)) def __setitem__(self, attr, val): attrId = convertLispIdtoPythonId(attr) if isinstance(val, PFrame): self._frames[attrId] = val else: self.__dict__[attrId] = val return None def __getitem__(self, index): if config._debug: print "PGDB __getitem__", index if (isinstance(index,int) or isinstance(index,slice)) : if self._frames: return self._frames[index] else: raise PythonCycError('This PGDB has no _frames attribute.') # Accessing an item such as ecoli['trp'], index is a string not a number. if index in self._frames: return self._frames[index] else: attrId = convertLispIdtoPythonId(index) if attrId in self._frames: return self._frames[attrId] else: return self.__getattr__(index) def __eq__(self, other): # The name of the orgid determines the object. if isinstance(other, PGDB): return self._orgid == other._orgid else: return False def __ne__(self, o): return not self.__eq__(o)
[docs] def save_pgdb(self): """ Save a PGDB that has been modified in the running Pathway Tools server. The PGDB that will be saved is based on the orgid of this PGDB object. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('save-kb')
[docs] def get_major_classes(self): """ Get from Pathway Tools the classes Reactions, Pathways, Genes, Compounds, Proteins, and all their instances with their data. This method is very time consuming has several ten of thousands of frames need to be transferred from Pathway Tools and the corresponding PFrames need to be created. """ self.reactions self.pathways self.genes self.compounds self.proteins self.get_frame_objects([f.frameid for f in self.reactions.instances]) self.get_frame_objects([f.frameid for f in self.pathways.instances]) self.get_frame_objects([f.frameid for f in self.genes.instances]) self.get_frame_objects([f.frameid for f in self.compounds.instances]) self.get_frame_objects([f.frameid for f in self.proteins.instances])
[docs] def sendPgdbQuery(self, query): """ Send a query for a specific PGDB using its orgid. Use the macro with-organism for the Lisp Python server. Parm query, a string. That string should be acceptable to the Lisp Python server. Return the result (as a Python object) of the execution of the query in Pathway Tools. """ # Evaluate a query in the context of this PGDB. if self._orgid == "unknown": print "Cannot send any query because the selected organism is unknown." return None else: return PTools.sendQueryToPTools('(with-organism (:org-id \''+self._orgid+') '+query+')')
[docs] def sendPgdbFnCallBool(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Send a PGDB query to Pathway Tools that will return a Bool value. This method takes care of translating no value or an empty list to False. """ result = self.sendPgdbFnCall(fn, *args, **kwargs) if result == None or result == []: return False else: return result
[docs] def sendPgdbFnCallList(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Send a PGDB query to Pathway Tools that will return a List value. This method takes care of translating no value or False to an empty list. """ result = self.sendPgdbFnCall(fn, *args, **kwargs) if result == None or result == False: return [] else: return result
[docs] def sendPgdbFnCall(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): """ Send a PGDB query to Pathway Tools based on function fn and arguments args and kwargs (keyword args) and return the result. If multiple values are returned by fn, the Pathway Tools Python server transforms them into a list. """ fnCall = prepareFnCall(fn, *args, **kwargs) return self.sendPgdbQuery(fnCall)
[docs] def is_a_class_name(self, className): """ Verify that className is a known class in Pathway Tools. Return the real name of that class because the className may have been transformed by fn class-name-p to generate the closest real class name. Parm className, a string, the class name to verify. Return a string, either className itself, or modified by replacing '_' to '-' or some case letters changed to match an existing class name in Pathway Tools. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('class-name-p', className)
[docs] def get_class_data(self, realClassName, getInstancesData=False): """ Retrieve the class slots and their values, creating a PFrame for the class. Retrieve also the list of instances from Pathway Tools and create a PFrame for each instance. Store the list of PFrames in attribute 'instances' of the class object. If getInstancesData is True, get also all instances slots and their data. Parms realClassName, a string, the real name of the class to retrieve. getInstancesData, boolean, True => get the slots and data of all instances. Returns A PFrame representing the class with all its slot names as Python attributes. """ fclass = PFrame(realClassName, self, getFrameData=True, isClass = True) attrId = convertLispIdtoPythonId(realClassName) frameids = self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-class', fclass) if not (frameids == None): if getInstancesData: # Create PFrame instances with all their slots and data. instances = self.get_frame_objects(frameids) else: # Create PFrame instances but the data for each frame is not brought in now. # Reuse a PFrame for a frameid, if it already exists for this PGDB. instances = self.create_frame_objects(frameids) fclass.__dict__['instances'] = instances return fclass
[docs] def create_frame_objects(self, frameids): """ Create all the required PFrames for the given frameids. If a PFrame already exist for a frameid on the PGDB, reuse that PFrame, otherwise create a PFrame. No data is transferred from Pathway Tools. Parm frameids, list of frame ids (strings) Side-Effects self is modified to contain new PFrames indexed on new frameids Return list of PFrames """ pframes = [] for frameid in frameids: attrID = convertLispIdtoPythonId(frameid) if attrID in self.__dict__: f = self.__dict__[attrID] else: f = PFrame(frameid, self) self.__dict__[attrID] = f pframes.append(f) return pframes
[docs] def get_frame_objects(self, frameids): """ For each frame id of the list frameids, retrieve the slots and their data. Reuse the PFrame of frameid if it already exist for this PGDB, otherwise create one and attach it to this PGDB. Parm frameids, list of frame ids (strings). Return list of PFrames, one for each frame id. """ frameObjects = self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-frame-objects', may_be_frameid(frameids)) pframes = [] for frameid, slotsData in frameObjects.iteritems(): attrID = convertLispIdtoPythonId(frameid) if attrID in self.__dict__: f = self.__dict__[attrID] else: f = PFrame(frameid, self) self.__dict__[attrID] = f pframes.append(f) f._gotframe = True for slot, data in slotsData.iteritems(): f.__dict__[convertLispIdtoPythonId(slot)] = data return pframes
[docs] def is_an_instance_name(self, frameid): """ Similar to method is_a_class_name but for a frame that is not a class. If frameid is a real frame id of an object of this PGDB, returns frameid as is. If not, try to convert frameid to an exist frame id by transforming cases of letters and underscores to dashes in frameid. Parm frameid, a string. Returns a string representing an existing frame id in the PGDB. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('frameid-instance-p', Symbol(frameid))
[docs] def get_class_all_instances(self, className): """ Get all instances of the given class name for this PGDB. ClassName must be exactly as Pathway Tools expect the name of the class, no conversion is applied. Parm className, a symbol specified as a string (e.g., '|Reactions|') Returns list of frameids """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('gcai', Symbol(className))
[docs] def get_class_all_subs(self, classArg): """ Get all subclasses of the given class name for this PGDB. If classArg is a string, it must be exactly as Pathway Tools expect the name of the class, no conversion is applied. Parm classArg, a symbol specified as a string (e.g., '|Reactions|') or as a PFrame. Returns list of frameids corresponding to the subclasses of the classArg. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-class-all-subs', classArg)
[docs] def run_fba(self, fileName): """ In PythonCyc there is a run_fba method defined globally in the pythoncyc module and there is this version which is run under a specific PGDB. Notice though that the FBA input file provided will decide which organism is used for running FBA and may override this PGDB. Parms fileName, a string which is the name of the FBA input file on the running Pathway Tools machine. Returns A list with the following values: 1) True <=> success, the FBA completed without error (for growth, see 5) 2) List of error messages, if any 3) List of output messages generated by MetaFlux (FBA module) during parsing and execution 4) The solver (SCIP) status symbol 5) The flux of the objective biomass, non-zero if growth 6) Number of growth cases if FBA input file is a knockout run, or the number of active reactions if the FBA input file is solving a model 7) The list of reactions that were in the model after instantiation 8) The list of reactions that were active (non zero flux) with their fluxes """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('python-run-fba', fileName)
[docs] def get_slot_values(self, frameid, slotName): """ Return the slot values of a frame object. Parms frameid a string representing the unique identifier for a frame object. slotName a string representing the slot of the frame object. Returns list of values of the given slot. Values can be frameids, booleans, strings, or numbers. Example: To get the substrates participating on the left of reaction RXN-9000: meta.get_slot_values('RXN-9000', 'LEFT') where meta is a variable bound to a PGDB object. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-slot-values', Symbol(frameid), Symbol(slotName))
[docs] def put_slot_values(self, frameid, slotName, val): """ Modify the slot values of a frame object with the given val. Val is typically a list of objects. Important: The modified frame is not updated for any PFrame object that might has been previously loaded from that PGDB. This operation should be used only for its effect on the PGDB in the running Pathway Tools application. Parms frameid a string representing the unique identifier for a frame object. slotName a string representing the slot of the frame object. val a value to store in the slot, typically a list of values or objects. Side-Effects The slot of that frame is replaced with the new value. Returns Nothing Example: To put the substrates participating on the left of reaction RXN-9000: put_slot_values('RXN-9000', 'LEFT', ['CPD-9459','CPD-9460']) """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('put-slot-values', Symbol(frameid), Symbol(slotName), val)
[docs] def put_slot_value(self, frameid, slotName, val): """ Modify the slot value of a frame object with the given val. Val is a single value (e.g., not a list). Important: The modified frame is not updated for any PFrame object that might has been previously loaded from that PGDB. This operation should be used only for its effect on the PGDB in the running Pathway Tools application. Parms frameid a string representing the unique identifier for a frame object. slotName a string representing the slot of the frame object. val a value to store in the slot. Side-Effects The slot of that frame is replaced with the new value Returns Nothing Example: To put the Gibbs free energy of reaction RXN-9000: put_slot_value('RXN-9000', 'GIBBS-0', 7.52) """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('put-slot-value', Symbol(frameid), Symbol(slotName), val)
[docs] def get_slot_value(self, frameid, slotName): """ Return the single slot value of a frame object. Parms frameid a string representing the unique identifier for a frame object. slotName a string representing the slot of the frame object. Example: To get the substrates participating on the left of reaction RXN-9000: get_slot_values('RXN-9000', 'LEFT') """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('get-slot-value', Symbol(frameid), Symbol(slotName))
[docs] def all_pathways(self, selector='all', base=False): """ Description Returns a list of pathway instance frames of a specified type. Parms selector Selects whether all pathways, or just small-molecule metabolism base pathways. Can take either 'all' or 'small-molecule'. Defaults to 'all'. base If this boolean parameter is True, only includes base pathways. Otherwise, all pathways, including superpathways, will be returned. Return value A list of instances of class Pathways. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-pathways', mkey(selector), base)
[docs] def all_reactions(self, type='metab-smm'): return self.all_rxns(type)
[docs] def all_rxns(self, type='metab-smm'): """ Description Returns a set of reactions that fall within a particular category. Parms type The type of reaction to return. Defaults to 'metab-smm'. The possible values are: 'all' All reactions. 'metab-pathways' All reactions found within metabolic pathways. Includes reactions that are pathway holes. May include a handfull of reactions whose substrates are macromolecules, e.g., ACP. Excludes transport reactions. 'metab-smm' All reactions of small molecule metabolism, whether or not they are present in a pathway. Subsumes metab-pathways. 'metab-all' All enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Subsumes metab-smm. 'enzyme' All enzyme-catalyzed reactions (i.e., instances of either EC-Reactions class or Unclassified-Reactions class). 'transport' All transport reactions. 'small-molecule' All reactions whose substrates are all small molecules, as opposed to macromolecules. Excludes transport reactions. 'protein-small-molecule-reaction' One of the substrates of the reaction is a macromolecule, and one of the substrates of the reaction is a small molecule. 'protein-reaction' All substrates of the reaction are proteins. 'trna-reaction' One of the substrates of the reaction is a tRNA. 'spontaneous' Spontaneous reactions. 'non-spontaneous' Non-spontaneous reactions that are likely to be enzyme catalyzed. Some reactions will be returned for type non-spontaneous that will not be returned by enzyme. Return value A list of reaction frame ids. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-rxns', mkey(type))
[docs] def all_substrates(self, rxns): """ Description Returns all unique substrates used in the reactions specified by the parameter rxns. Parms rxns A list of reaction PFrames or frame ids. Return value A list of compound frame ids. There might be strings in the list, as the left and right slots of a reaction frame can contain strings. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-substrates', may_be_frameid(rxns))
[docs] def all_cofactors(self): """ Description Return a list of all cofactors used in the current PGDB. Parms None. Return value A list of cofactor frame ids. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-cofactors')
[docs] def all_modulators(self): """ Description Enumerate all of the modulators, or direct regulators, in the current PGDB. Parms None. Return value A list of regulator frame ids. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-modulators')
[docs] def all_sigma_factors(self): """ Description Enumerate all RNA polymerase sigma factors. Parms None. Return value A list of all instances of the class Sigma-Factors. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-sigma-factors')
[docs] def all_operons(self): """ Description Enumerates all operons. In this case, an operon is defined as a list of overlapping instances of Transcription-Units. Parms None. Return value A list of lists of Transcription-Units, where all Transcription-Units in the list belong to the same operon. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-operons')
[docs] def all_transporters(self): """ Description Enumerate all transport proteins. Parms None. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-transporters')
[docs] def all_transported_chemicals(self, from_compartment=None, to_compartment=None, primary_only=False): """ Description Enumerates all chemicals transported by transport reactions in the current PGDB. Parms from_compartment Keyword, The compartment that the chemical is coming from (see Cellular Component Ontology). to_compartment Keyword, The compartment that the chemical is going to (see Cellular Component Ontology). primary_only Keyword, If True, filter out common transport compounds, such as protons and Na+. Return value A list of compound frame ids. """ kwargs = {'from-compartment': may_be_frameid(from_compartment), 'to-compartment': may_be_frameid(to_compartment), 'primary-only?': primary_only} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-transported-chemicals', **kwargs)
[docs] def all_protein_complexes(self, filter='all'): """ Description Enumerates different types of protein complexes. Parms filter Keyword, The type of protein complexes to return. The argument must be one of the following values: 'all' Return all protein complexes. 'hetero' Return all heteromultimers. 'homo' Return all homomultimers. Return value A list of protein complex frame ids. """ kwargs = {'filter': mkey(filter)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-protein-complexes', **kwargs)
[docs] def all_transcription_factors(self, allow_modified_forms=True): """ Description Enumerates all transcription factors, or just unmodified forms of transcription factors. Parms allow_modified_forms Keyword, A boolean value. If True, modified and unmodified forms of the protein are returned. If false, then only unmodified forms of the proteins are returned. The default value is t. Return value A list of protein frame ids that are transcription factors. """ kwargs = {'allow-modified-forms?': allow_modified_forms} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-transcription-factors', **kwargs)
[docs] def all_genetic_regulation_proteins(self, allow_modified_forms=True, class_name=None): """ Description Enumerates all proteins that are involved in genetic regulation of a particular given class. Optionally, just unmodified forms of the proteins are returned. Parms class_name Keyword, The class Regulation or a subclass. It defaults to Regulation-of-Transcription-Initiation. allow_modified_forms Keyword, A boolean value. If True, modified and unmodified forms of the protein are returned. If false, then only unmodified forms of the proteins are returned. The default value is True. Return value A list of protein frames that are involved in the specified form of regulation. """ kwargs = {'allow-modified-forms?': allow_modified_forms, 'class' : Symbol(class_name)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-genetic-regulation-proteins', **kwargs)
[docs] def rxns_w_isozymes(self, rxns=None): """ Description Enumerate all reactions that have isozymes (distinct proteins or protein classes that catalyze the same reaction). Parms rxns Keyword, A list of instances of the class Reactions. Defaults to the result of (all-rxns :enzyme). Return value A list of A list of instances of the class Reactions with isozymes. """ kwargs = {'rxns': may_be_frameid(rxns)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('rxns-w-isozymes', **kwargs)
[docs] def rxns_catalyzed_by_complex(self, rxns=None): """ Description Enumerates all reactions catalyzed by an enzyme that is a protein complex. Parms rxns Keyword, A list of instances of the class Reactions. Defaults to the result of (all-rxns :enzyme). Return value A list of instances of the class Reactions with a protein complex as an enzyme. """ kwargs = {'rxns': may_be_frameid(rxns)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('rxns-catalyzed-by-complex', **kwargs)
[docs] def all_enzymes(self, type=None): """ Description Return all enzymes of a given type. Parms type Keyword, A type as taken from the parameter to fn enzyme. Defaults to 'chemical-change'. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ kwargs = {'type': type} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-enzymes', **kwargs)
[docs] def genes_of_reaction(self, rxn): """ Description Return all genes that encode the enzymes of a given reaction. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-of-reaction', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def substrates_of_reaction(self, rxn): """ Description Return all of the reactants and products of a given reaction. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list that may consist of children of class Compounds, children of class Polymer-Segments, or strings. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('substrates-of-reaction', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def enzymes_of_reaction(self, rxn, species=None, experimental_only=None, local_only=None): """ Description Return the enzymes that catalyze a given reaction. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. species Keyword, A list of species, such that in a multi-organism PGDB such as MetaCyc, only proteins found in those organisms will be returned. This list can include valid org-ids, children of class Organisms, and strings. Please see the documentation for the species slot-unit for more information. Default value is nil. experimental_only Keyword, When True, only return enzymes that have a non-computational evidence code associated with it. local_only Keyword, When True, only return enzymes that catalyze the specific form of the reaction, as opposed to enzymes that are known to catalyze a more general form (i.e., class) of the reaction. Return value A list of children of class Proteins or class Protein-RNA-Complexes. """ kwargs = {'species': species, 'experimental-only?': experimental_only, 'local-only-p': local_only} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('enzymes-of-reaction', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def reaction_reactants_and_products(self, rxn, direction=None, pwy=None): """ Description Return the reactants and products of a reaction, based on a specified direction. The direction can be specified explicity or by giving a pathway as an argument. It is an error to both specify the pathway and the explicit direction. If neither an explicit direction or a pathway is given as an argument, then the direction is computationally inferred from available evidence within the PGDB. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. direction Keyword, Can take on the following values: 'L2R' The reaction direction goes from 'left to right', as described in the Reactions instance. 'R2L' The reaction direction goes from 'right to left'; the opposite of what is described in the Reactions instance. pwy Keyword, An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value Returns multiple values as a list. The first value is a list of reactants as determined by the direction of the reaction, and the second value is a list of the products as determined by the direction of the reaction. Both lists have items that are children of class Compounds, children of class Polymer-Segments, or strings. """ kwargs = {'direction': direction, 'pwy': may_be_frameid(pwy)} return self.sendPgdbFnCall('reaction-reactants-and-products', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def reaction_type(self, rxn): """ Description Returns a keyword describing the type of reaction. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A string from the following list: 'small-molecule' All substrates are small molecules, or small-molecule classes. 'transport' A substrate is marked with different compartment annotations in the left and right slots. 'protein-small-molecule-reaction' At least one substrate is a protein and at least one is a small molecule. 'protein-reaction' All substrates are proteins. 'trna-reaction' At least one substrate is a tRNA. 'null-reaction' No substrates or reactants are specified. 'other' None of the preceding cases apply. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('reaction-type', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def rxn_without_sequenced_enzyme_p(self, rxn, complete=None): """ Description A predicate that tests if a given reaction has genes with no associated sequence information. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. complete Keyword, if True, the predicate will return True when there is any associated gene without a sequence. If False, the predicate will return True when all associated genes are without a sequence. Return value A boolean value. """ kwargs = {'complete': complete} return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxn-without-sequenced-enzyme-p', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def pathway_hole_p(self, rxn, hole_if_any_gene_without_position=None): """ Description A predicate that determines if the current reaction is considered to be a 'pathway hole', or without an associated enzyme. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. hole_if_any_gene_without_position Keyword, If True, then genes without specified coordinates for the current organism's genome are not counted when determining the status of the reaction. Return value A boolean value. """ kwargs = {'hole-if-any-gene-without-position?': hole_if_any_gene_without_position} return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('pathway-hole-p', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def rxn_present_p(self, rxn): """ Description A predicate that determines if there is evidence for the occurrence of the given reaction in the current PGDB. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxn-present-p', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def rxn_specific_form_of_rxn_p(self, specific_rxn, generic_rxn): """ Description A predicate that is True if the given generic reaction is a generalized form of the given specific reaction. Parms specific_rxn A child of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. generic_rxn A child of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxn-specific-form-of-rxn-p', may_be_frameid(specific_rxn), may_be_frameid(generic_rxn))
[docs] def nonspecific_forms_of_rxn(self, rxn): """ Description Return all of the generic forms of the given specific reaction. Not every reaction will necessarily have a generic form. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of children of the class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('nonspecific-forms-of-rxn', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def specific_forms_of_rxn(self, rxn): """ Description Return all of the specific forms of the given generic reaction. Not every reaction will necessarily have a specific form. Parms rxn A child of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('specific-forms-of-rxn', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def rxn_in_compartment_p(self, rxn, compartments, default_ok=None, pwy=None, loose=None): """ Description A predicate that checks if the given reaction is present in a list of cellular compartments. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. compartments A list of cellular compartments, as defined in the Cellular Components Ontology. See frame CCO. default_ok Keyword, If True, then we return True if the reaction has no associated compartment information, or one of its associated locations is a super-class of one of the members of the compartments parameter. pwy Keyword, a frame id or PFrame. If supplied, the search for associated enzymes of the parameter rxn is limited to the given child of Pathways. loose Keyword, boolean. If True, then the compartments CCO-CYTOPLASM and CCO-CYTOSOL are treated as being the same compartment. Return value A boolean value. """ kwargs = {'default-ok?': default_ok, 'pwy': may_be_frameid(pwy), 'loose': loose} return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxn-in-compartment-p', may_be_frameid(rxn), compartments, **kwargs)
[docs] def compartment_of_rxn(self, rxn, default=None): """ Description Returns the compartment of the reaction for non-transport reactions. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, that is, a frame id or PFrame. default Keyword, The default compartment for reactions without any compartment annotations on their substrates. The default value is CCO-CYTOSOL. Return value A child of the class CCO. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('compartment-of-rxn', may_be_frameid(rxn), default)
[docs] def compartments_of_reaction(self, rxn, sides=None, default_compartment=None): """ Description Returns the compartments associated with the given reaction. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. sides Keyword, The slots of the reaction to consider. The default value is (LEFT RIGHT). default_compartment Keyword, The default compartment, as determined by the function (default-compartment), which currently is set to CCO-CYTOSOL. Return value A list of children of the class CCO. """ kwargs = {'sides': sides, 'default-compartment': may_be_frameid(default_compartment)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('compartments-of-reaction', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def transported_chemicals(self, rxn, side=None, primary_only=None, from_compartment=None, to_compartment=None, show_compartment=None): """ Description Return the compounds in a transport reaction that change compartments. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. side Keyword, The side of the reaction from which to return the transported compound. primary_only Keyword, If True, then filter out common exchangers (currently defined as (PROTON NA CPD-1)+). If True, and the only transported compounds are in this list, then the filter doesn't apply. from_compartment Keyword, A compartment (child of class CCO). If specified, then only return compounds transported from that compartment. to_compartment Keyword, A compartment (child of class CCO). If specified, then only return compounds transported to that compartment. show_compartment Keyword, A compartment (child of class CCO). If specified, and the compound is modified during transport, then only return the form of the compound as found in this compartment. Return value A list of children of class Compounds. """ kwargs = {'side': side, 'primary-only?': primary_only, 'from-compartment': may_be_frameid(from_compartment), 'to-compartment': may_be_frameid(to_compartment), 'show-compartment': may_be_frameid(show_compartment)} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transported-chemicals', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def get_predecessors(self, rxn, pwy): """ Description Return a list of all reactions that are direct predecessors (i.e., occurr earlier in the pathway) of the given reaction in the given pathway. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. pwy A child of the class Pathways. Return value A list of instances of the class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-predecessors', may_be_frameid(rxn), may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def get_successors(self, rxn, pwy): """ Description Return a list of all reactions that are direct successors (i.e., occurr later in the pathway) of the given reaction in the given pathway. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. pwy A child of the class Pathways. Return value A list of instances of the class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('get-successors', may_be_frameid(rxn), may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def rxn_w_isozymes_p(self, rxn): """ Description A predicate that tests if a given reaction has any associated isozymes (distinct proteins or protein classes that catalyze the same reaction). Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxn-w-isozymes-p', may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def genes_of_pathway(self, pwy, sorted=None): """ Description Return all genes coding for enzymes in the given pathway. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. sorted? Keyword, If True, the genes are sorted in the order in which the corresponding reaction occurrs in the sequence of the pathway. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ kwargs = {'sorted': sorted} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-of-pathway', may_be_frameid(pwy), **kwargs)
[docs] def enzymes_of_pathway(self, pwy, species=None, experimental_only=None, sorted=None): """ Description Return all enzymes that are present in the given pathway. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. species Keyword, A list of species, such that in a multi-organism PGDB such as MetaCyc, only proteins found in those organisms will be returned. This list can include valid org-ids, children of class Organisms, and strings. Please see the documentation for the species slot-unit for more information. experimental_only Keyword, When True, only return enzymes that have a non-computational evidence code associated with it. sorted Keyword, If True, the enzymes are sorted in the order in which the corresponding reaction occurrs in the sequence of the pathway. Return value A list of children of class Proteins or class Protein-RNA-Complexes. """ kwargs = {'species': species, 'experimental-only?': experimental_only, 'sorted': sorted} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('enzymes-of-pathway', may_be_frameid(pwy), **kwargs)
[docs] def compounds_of_pathway(self, pwy): """ Description Return all substrates of all reactions that are within the given pathway. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of children of class Compounds, children of class Polymer-Segments, or strings. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('compounds-of-pathway', may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def substrates_of_pathway(self, pwy): """ Description Bearing in mind the direction of all reactions within a pathway, this function returns the substrates of the reactions in four groups: a list of all reactant compounds (compounds occurring on the left side of some reaction in the given pathway), the list of proper reactants (the subset of reactants that are not also products), a list of all products, and a list of all proper products. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value Four values as a list, each of which is a list of substrates. A substrate may be a child of class Compounds, a child of class Polymer-Segments, or a string. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('substrates-of-pathway', may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def variants_of_pathway(self, pwy): """ Description Returns all variants of a pathway. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instance of the class Pathways. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('variants-of-pathway', may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def pathway_components(self, pwy, rxn_list=None, pred_list=None): """ Description Returns all of the connected components of a pathway. A connected component of a pathway is a set of reactions in the pathway such that for all reactions R1 in the connected component, a predecessor relationship holds between R1 and some other reaction R2 in the connected component, and each connected component is of maximal size. Every pathway will have from 1 to N connected components, where N is the number of reactions in the pathway. Most pathways have one connected component, but not all. Parms pwy, a frame id or PFrame. An instance of the class Pathways, which is not a super-pathway (i.e., does not have any entries in its sub-pathways slot). rxn_list Keyword, The list of reactions to use as the starting list of connected component clusters. Defaults to the content of slot reaction-list in pwy. pred_list Keyword, The list of reaction predecessors to iterate from in order to cluster the reactions in rxn-list. Defaults to list in slot predecessors of pwy. Return value Returns three values as a list: the connected components as a list of lists of the form ((r1 r2 r3) (r4 r5) (r6 r7 r8)) where each sub-list contains all reactions in one connected component, the number of connected components, and the length of the reaction list. """ kwargs = {'rxn-list': may_be_frameid(rxn_list), 'pred-list': may_be_frameid(pred_list)} return self.sendPgdbFnCall('pathway-components', may_be_frameid(pwy), **kwargs)
[docs] def noncontiguous_pathway_p(self, pwy): """ Description A predicate that determines if the pathway contains more than one connected component. See function pathway-components for more explanation. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('noncontiguous-pathway-p', may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def rxns_adjacent_in_pwy_p(self, rxn1, rxn2, pwy): """ Description A predicate to determine if two given reactions are adjacent to one another in the given pathway. Parms rxn1 An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. rxn2 An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rxns-adjacent-in-pwy-p', may_be_frameid(rxn1), may_be_frameid(rxn2), may_be_frameid(pwy))
[docs] def cofactors_and_pgroups_of_enzrxn(self, enzrxn): """ Description Returns the cofactors and prosthetic groups of an enzymatic reaction. Parms enzrxn An instance of the class Enzymatic-Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of children of class Chemicals or strings, representing cofactors and/or prosthetic groups. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('cofactors-and-pgroups-of-enzrxn', may_be_frameid(enzrxn))
[docs] def enzrxn_activators(self, er, phys_relevant_only=None): """ Description Returns the list of activators (generally small molecules) of the enzymatic reaction frame. Parms er An instance of the class Enzymatic-Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. phys_relevant_only Keyword, If True, then only return activators that are associated with Regulation instances that have the physiologically-relevant? slot set to True. Return value A list of children of the class Chemicals. """ # phys_relevant_only is optional for the Lisp version return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('enzrxn-activators', may_be_frameid(er), phys_relevant_only)
[docs] def enzrxn_inhibitors(self, er, phys_relevant_only=None): """ Description Returns the list of inhibitors (generally small molecules) of the enzymatic reaction frame. Parms er An instance of the class Enzymatic-Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. phys_relevant_only Keyword, If True, then only return inhibitors that are associated with Regulation instances that have the physiologically-relevant? slot set to True. Return value A list of children of the class Chemicals. """ # phys_relevant_only is optional for the Lisp version return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('enzrxn-inhibitors', may_be_frameid(er), phys_relevant_only)
[docs] def pathways_of_enzrxn(self, enzrxn, include_super_pwys=None): """ Description Returns the list of pathways in which the given enzymatic reaction participates. Parms enzrxn An instance of the class Enzymatic-Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. include_super_pwys Keyword, If True, then not only will the direct pathways in which enzrxn is associated in be returned, but also any enclosing super-pathways. If enzrxn is associated with a reaction that is directly associated with a super-pathway, then the function might return super-pathways even if this option is nil. Return value A list of instances of class Pathways. """ kwargs = {'include-super-pwys?': include_super_pwys} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('pathways-of-enzrxn', may_be_frameid(enzrxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def pathway_allows_enzrxn(self, pwy, rxn, enzrxn, single_species=None): """ Description A predicate which returns a True value if the given pathway allows the given enzymatic reaction to catalyze the given reaction. Certain pathways have a list of enzymatic reactions that are known not to catalyze certain reactions. See the documentation of slot-unit enzyme-use for more information. Parms pwy An instance of the class Pathways, a frame id or PFrame. rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. enzrxn An instance of the class Enzymatic-Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. single_species Keyword, An instance of the class Organisms If set, then enzrxn has the further stricture that it must be an enzymatic reaction present in the organism specified by the value passed to single-species. Return value A boolean value. """ # single_species is optional for the Lisp version. return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('pathway-allows-enzrxn', may_be_frameid(pwy), may_be_frameid(rxn), may_be_frameid(enzrxn), single_species)
[docs] def monomers_of_protein(self, p, coefficients=None, unmodify=None): """ Description Returns the monomers of the given protein complex. Parms p An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. coefficients Keyword, If True, then the second return value of the function will be a list of monomer coefficients. Defaults to True. unmodify Keyword, If True, obtain the monomers of the unmodified form of p. Return value First value is a list of instances of the class Proteins. If coefficients? is True, then the second value is the corresponding coefficients of the monomers fromthe first return value. """ kwargs = {'coefficients?': coefficients, 'unmodify?': unmodify} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('monomers-of-protein', may_be_frameid(p), **kwargs)
[docs] def base_components_of_protein(self, p, exclude_small_molecules=None): """ Description Same as function monomers-of-protein, but also returns components of the protein that are RNAs or compounds, not just polypeptides. Parms p An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. exclude_small_molecules Keyword, If nil, then small molecule components are also returned. Default value is True. Return value Two values as a list. The first value is a list of the components, which can be instances of the following classes: Polypeptides, RNA, and Compounds. The second value is a list of the corresponding coefficients of the components in the first value. """ kwargs = {'exclude-small-molecules?': exclude_small_molecules} return self.sendPgdbFnCall('base-components-of-protein', may_be_frameid(p), **kwargs)
[docs] def containers_of(self, protein, exclude_self=None): """ Description Return all complexes of which the given protein is a direct or indirect component. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. exclude_self Keyword, If True, then protein will not be included in the return value. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ # exclude_self is an optional parameter for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('containers-of', may_be_frameid(protein), exclude_self)
[docs] def protein_or_rna_containers_of(self, protein, exclude_self=None): """ Description This function is the same as the function containers-of, except that it only includes containers that are instances of either class Protein-Complexes, or class Protein-RNA-Complexes. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. exclude_self Keyword, If True, then protein will not be included in the return value. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ # exclude_self is an optional parameter for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('protein-or-rna-containers-of', may_be_frameid(protein), exclude_self)
[docs] def homomultimeric_containers_of(self, protein, exclude_self=None): """ Description This function is the same as the function containers-of, except that it only includes containers that are homomultimers. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. exclude_self Keyword, If True, then protein will not be included in the return value. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ # exclude_self is an optional parameter for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('homomultimeric-containers-of', may_be_frameid(protein), exclude_self)
[docs] def polypeptide_or_homomultimer_p(self, protein): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given protein is a polypeptide or a homomultimer. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('polypeptide-or-homomultimer-p', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def unmodified_form(self, protein): """ Description Return the unmodified form of the given protein, which might be the same as the given protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('unmodified-form', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def unmodified_or_unbound_form(self, protein): """ Description Return the unmodified form or unbound (to a small molecule) form of the given protein, which might be the same as the given protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('unmodified-or-unbound-form', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def reduce_modified_proteins(self, prots, debind=None): """ Description Given a list of proteins, the function converts all of the proteins to their unmodified form, and then removes any duplicates from the subsequent list. Parms prots A list of instances of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. debind Keyword, When True, the proteins are further simplified by obtaining the unbound form of the protein, if it is bound to a small molecule. Return Value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ kwargs = {'debind?': debind} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('reduce-modified-proteins', may_be_frameid(prots), **kwargs)
[docs] def all_direct_forms_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Given a protein, this function will return all of the directly related proteins of its modified and unmodified forms, meaning all of their direct subunits and all of their direct containers. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return Value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-direct-forms-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def all_forms_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Given a protein, this function will return all of the related proteins of its modified and unmodified forms, meaning all of their subunits and all of their containers. Unlike all_direct_forms_of_protein, this function is not limited to the direct containers only. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-forms-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def modified_forms(self, protein, exclude_self=None, all_variants=None): """ Description Returns all modified forms of a protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. exclude_self Keyword, If True, then protein will not be included in the return value. all_variants Keyword, If True, and protein is a modified form, then we return all of the modified forms of the unmodified forms of protein. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ # Parameters exclude_self and all_variants are optionals for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('modified-forms', may_be_frameid(protein), exclude_self, all_variants)
[docs] def modified_and_unmodified_forms(self, protein): """ Description Returns all of the modified and unmodified forms of the given protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('modified-and-unmodified-forms', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def modified_containers(self, protein): """ Description Returns all containers of a protein (including itself), and all modified forms of the containers. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('modified-containers', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def top_containers(self, protein): """ Description Return the top-most containers (i.e., they are not a component of any other protein complex) of the given protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('top-containers', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def small_molecule_cplxes_of_prot(self, protein): """ Description Return all of the forms of the given protein that are complexes with small molecules. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('small-molecule-cplxes-of-prot', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def genes_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Given a protein, return the set of genes which encode all of the monomers of the protein. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def genes_of_proteins(self, protein): """ Description The same as genes_of_protein, except that it takes a list of proteins and returns a set of genes. Parms protein A list of instances of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-of-proteins', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def reactions_of_enzyme(self, protein, kb=None, include_specific_forms=None): """ Description Return all of the reactions associated with a given protein via enzymatic reactions. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. kb Keyword, The KB object of the KB in which to find the associated reactions. Defaults to self. include_specific_forms Keyword, When True, specific forms of associated generic reactions are also returned. Default value is True. Return value A list of instances of the class Reactions. """ kwargs = {'kb': kb, 'include-specific-forms?': include_specific_forms} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('reactions-of-enzyme', may_be_frameid(protein), **kwargs)
[docs] def species_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Get the associated species for the given protein. Parms protein A list of instances of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of the class Organisms, or a string. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('species-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def enzyme_p(self, protein, type=None): """ Description Predicate that determines whether a specified protein is an enzyme or not. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. type Keyword, Can take on one of the following values to select more precisely what is meant by an "enzyme": 'any' Any protein that catalyzes a reaction is considered an enzyme. 'chemical-change' If the reactants and products of the catalyzed reactin differ, and not just by their cellular location, then the protein is considered an enzyme. 'small-molecule' If the reactants of the catalyzed reaction differ and are small molecules, then the protein is considered an enzyme. 'transport' If the protein catalyzes a transport reaction. 'non-transport' If the protein only catalyzes non-transport reactions. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('enzyme-p', may_be_frameid(protein), mkey(type))
[docs] def leader_peptide_p(self, protein): """ Description A predicate that determines whether the given protein is a leader peptide. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('leader-peptide-p', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def protein_p(self, frame): """ Description A predicate that determines whether the given frame is a protein. Parms frame a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('protein-p', may_be_frameid(frame))
[docs] def complex_p(self, frame): """ Description A predicate that determines whether the given frame is a protein complex. Parms frame a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('complex-p', may_be_frameid(frame))
[docs] def reactions_of_protein(self, protein, check_protein_components=None, check_protein_containers=None): """ Description Returns all of the associated reactions that the given protein, or its components, catalyzes. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. check_protein_components? Keyword, If True, check all components of this protein for catalyzed reactions. Defaults to True. check_protein_containers? Keyword, If True, check the containers and modified forms of the protein for catalyzed reactions. Return value A list of instances of class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('reactions-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein), check_protein_components, check_protein_containers)
[docs] def protein_in_compartment_p(self, rxn, compartments, default_ok=None, pwy=None, loose=None): """ Description A predicate that checks if the given reaction is present in a list of cellular compartments. Parms rxn An instance of the class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. compartments A list of cellular compartments, as defined in the Cellular Components Ontology. See frame CCO. default_ok Keyword, If True, then we return True if the reaction has no associated compartment information, or one of its associated locations is a super-class of one of the members of the compartments parameter. pwy Keyword, a frame id or PFrame. If supplied, the search for associated enzymes of the parameter rxn is limited to the given child of Pathways. loose Keyword, If True, then the compartments CCO-CYTOPLASM and CCO-CYTOSOL are treated as being the same compartment. Return value A boolean value. """ kwargs = {'default-ok?': default_ok, 'pwy': may_be_frameid(pwy), 'loose?': loose} return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('protein-in-compartment-p', may_be_frameid(rxn), **kwargs)
[docs] def all_transporters_across(self, membranes=None, method=None): """ Description Returns a list of transport proteins that transport across one of the given membranes. Parms membranes Keyword, Either all or a list of instances of the class. Defaults to all CCO-MEMBRANE. method Keyword, Either 'location' or 'reaction-compartments'. 'location' will check the locations slot, while 'reaction-compartments' will examine the compartments of reaction substrates. Default value is 'location'. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ kwargs = {'membranes': may_be_frameid(membranes), 'method': method} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-transporters-across', **kwargs)
[docs] def autocatalytic_reactions_of_enzyme(self, protein): """ Description Returns a list of reaction frames, where the protein participates as a substrate of the reaction, and the reaction has no associated Enzymatic Reaction frame. This implies that the protein substrate of the reaction might autocatalyzing the reaction. Parms protein An instance frame of class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('autocatalytic-reactions-of-enzyme', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def gene_p(self, item): """ Description A predicate to determine if the given frame is a gene. Parms item a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('gene-p', may_be_frameid(item))
[docs] def enzymes_of_gene(self, gene): """ Description Collects all of the enzymes encoded by the given gene, including modified forms and complexes in which it is a sub-component. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('enzymes-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def all_products_of_gene(self, gene): """ Description Collects all proteins (not necessarily enzymes) that are encoded by the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('all-products-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def reactions_of_gene(self, gene): """ Description Returns all reactions catalyzed by enzymes encoded by the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Reactions. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('reactions-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def pathways_of_gene(self, gene, include_super_pwys=None): """ Description Returns the pathways of enzymes encoded by the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. include_super_pwys Keyword, If True, then not only will the direct pathways in which gene encodes an enzyme be returned, but also any enclosing super-pathways. If gene is associated with a reaction that is directly associated with a super-pathway, then the function might return super-pathways even if this option is nil. Return value A list of instances of class Pathways. """ kwargs = {'include-super-pwys': include_super_pwys} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('pathways-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene), **kwargs)
[docs] def chromosome_of_gene(self, gene): """ Description Returns the replicon on which the gene is located. If the gene is located on a contig that is, in turn, part of a chromosome, then the contig is returned. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of class Genetic-Elements. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('chromosome-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def unmodified_gene_product(self, gene): """ Description Returns the first element of the list returned by the function unmodified-gene-products. This is useful if you are sure that there are no alternative splice forms of your gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of either class Polypeptides or 'RNA. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('unmodified-gene-product', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def unmodified_gene_products(self, gene): """ Description Return all of the unmodified gene products (i.e. alternative splice forms) of the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of either class Polypeptides or 'RNA. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('unmodified-gene-products', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def next_gene_on_replicon(self, gene): """ Description Return the next gene on the replicon. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value Returns two values as a list. The first value is the next gene, or nil if there is not a next gene (i.e., the gene is at the end of a linear replicon). The second value is 'last' if the gene is the last gene on a linear replicon. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('next-gene-on-replicon', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def previous_gene_on_replicon(self, gene): """ Description Return the previous gene on the replicon. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value Returns two values as a list. The first value is the previous gene, or nil if there is not a previous gene (i.e., the gene is at the beginning of a linear replicon). The second value is 'first' if the gene is the first gene on a linear replicon. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('previous-gene-on-replicon', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def adjacent_genes_p(self, g1, g2): """ Description Given two genes, this predicate will return True if they are on the same replicon, and adjacent to one another. Parms g1 An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. g2 An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('adjacent-genes?', may_be_frameid(g1), may_be_frameid(g2))
[docs] def neighboring_genes_p(self, g1, g2, n=None): """ Description Given two genes, this predicate determines if the two genes are "neighbors", or within a certain number of genes from one another along the replicon. Parms g1 An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. g2 An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. n Keyword, An integer representing the number of genes g1 and g2 can be from one another. Default value is 10. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('neighboring-genes-p', may_be_frameid(g1), may_be_frameid(g2), n)
[docs] def gene_clusters(self, genes, max_gap=None): """ Description Groups together genes based on whether each gene is a gene neighbor with other genes. Parms genes A list of instances of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. max_gap Keyword, An integer representing the number of genes any pair from genes can be from one another. Default value is 10. Return value A list of lists, where the first element of each sub-list is a gene from genes, and the rest of the list are all of the gene neighbors of the first gene. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('gene-clusters', may_be_frameid(genes), max_gap)
[docs] def rna_coding_gene(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given gene encodes an RNA. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('rna-coding-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def protein_coding_gene(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given gene encodes a protein (as opposed to an RNA). Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('protein-coding-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def pseudo_gene_p(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given gene is a pseudo-gene. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('pseudo-gene-p', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def phantom_gene_p(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given gene is a phantom gene. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('phantom-gene-p', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def dna_binding_site_p(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given frame is an instance of the class DNA-Binding-Sites. Parms gene A frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('dna-binding-site-p', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def terminator_p(self, gene): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given object is an instance of the class Terminators. Parms gene A frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('terminatorp', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def operon_of_gene(self, gene): """ Description Given a gene, return a list of transcription units that form the operon containing the gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('operon-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def genes_in_same_operon(self, gene): """ Description Given a gene, return all other genes in the same operon. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-in-same-operon', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def gene_transcription_units(self, gene): """ Description Given a gene, return all of the transcription units which contain the gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('gene-transcription-units', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def cotranscribed_genes(self, gene): """ Description Return all co-transcribed genes (i.e., genes which are a part of one or more of the same transcription units) of the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('cotranscribed-genes', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def terminators_affecting_gene(self, gene): """ Description Find terminators in the same transcription unit and upstream of the given gene. Parms gene An instance of class Genes, a frame id or PFrame Return value A list of instances of class Terminators. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('terminators-affecting-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def chromosome_of_object(self, item): """ Description Given a frame object, the replicon where it is located is returned. If there is no associated replicon for the object, nil is returned. If the object is on more than one replicon, an error is thrown. Parms item, a frame id or PFrame An instance of class All-Genes, Transcription-Units, Promoters, Terminators, Misc-Features, or DNA-Binding-Sites. Return value An instance of class Genetic-Elements. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('chromosome-of-object', may_be_frameid(item))
[docs] def activation_p(self, reg_frame): """ Description A predicate that determines if a given regulation frame is describing activation. Parms reg_frame An instance of class Regulation, a frame id or PFrame Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('activation-p', may_be_frameid(reg_frame))
[docs] def inhibition_p(self, reg_frame): """ Description A predicate that determines if a given regulation frame is describing inhibition. Parms reg_frame An instance of class Regulation, a frame id or PFrame Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('inhibition-p', may_be_frameid(reg_frame))
[docs] def direct_regulators(self, item, filter_fn=None): """ Description Return all regulators that are connected to a regulated object by a single regulation object. Parms item A frame id or PFrame. filter_fn Keyword, A predicate used to filter the regulation objects used to find the regulators. Return value A list of frames that regulate item. """ kwargs = {'filter-fn': filter_fn} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('direct-regulators', may_be_frameid(item), **kwargs)
[docs] def direct_activators(self, item): """ Description Return all activators that are connected to an activated object by a single regulation object. Parms item A frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of frames that activate item. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('direct-activators', may_be_frameid(item))
[docs] def direct_inhibitors(self, item): """ Description Return all inhibitors that are connected to an inhibited object by a single regulation object. Parms item A frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of frames that inhibit item. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('direct-inhibitors', may_be_frameid(item))
[docs] def transcription_factor_p(self, protein, include_inactive=None): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given protein is a transcription factor, or a component of a transcription factor. Parms protein An instance frame of class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. include_inactive Keyword, If True, then the function checks to see if any of its components or containers is a transcription factor as well. Return value A boolean value. """ kwargs = {'include-inactive?': include_inactive} return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('transcription-factor-p', may_be_frameid(protein), **kwargs)
[docs] def regulator_of_type(self, protein, class_name): """ Description A predicate that determines if the given protein is a regulator of the specified class. Parms protein An instance frame of class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. class A subclass of Regulation. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('regulator-of-type', may_be_frameid(protein), class_name)
[docs] def regulon_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Returns all transcription units regulated by any form of the given protein. Parms protein An instance frame of class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('regulon-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def regulation_frame_transcription_units(self, reg_frame): """ Description Given a regulation object, return the transcription units when one of the regulated entities is a promoter or terminator of the transcription unit. Parms reg_frame An instance of the class Regulation-of-Transcription, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('regulation-frame-transcription-units', may_be_frameid(reg_frame))
[docs] def transcription_unit_regulation_frames(self, tu): """ Description Returns a list of regulation frames that regulate the transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Regulation. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-regulation-frames', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_activation_frames(self, tu): """ Description Returns a list of regulation frames that activate the transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Regulation. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-activation-frames', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_inhibition_frames(self, tu): """ Description Returns a list of regulation frames that inhibit the transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Regulation. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-inhibition-frames', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_units_of_protein(self, protein): """ Description Return all of the transcription units for which the given protein, or its modified form, acts as a regulator. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-units-of-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def genes_regulated_by_protein(self, protein): """ Description Return all of the genes for which the given protein, or its modified form, acts as a regulator. Parms protein An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-regulated-by-protein', may_be_frameid(protein))
[docs] def DNA_binding_sites_of_protein(self, tf, all_forms=None): """ Description Given a transcription factor, return all of its DNA binding sites. Parms tf An instance of the class Proteins, a frame id or PFrame. all_forms Keyword, When True, then return the DNA binding sites of modified forms and subunits of tf as well. Return value A list of instances of the class DNA-Binding-Sites. """ kwargs = {'all-forms?': all_forms} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('DNA-binding-sites-of-protein', may_be_frameid(tf), **kwargs)
[docs] def regulator_proteins_of_transcription_unit(self, tu): """ Description Returns all transcription factors that regulate the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('regulator-proteins-of-transcription-unit', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_factor_ligands(self, tfs, mode): """ Description For a single transcription factor or list of transcription factors, return all transcription factor ligands. Parms tfs, a frame id or PFrame or a list of these. An instance or a list of instances of the class Proteins. If tfs is not the active form, then the active form is determined automatically. mode One of the following values: 'activator', 'inhibitor', or 'both'. Return value A list of instances of the class Chemicals or strings. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-factor-ligands', may_be_frameid(tfs), mkey(mode))
[docs] def transcription_factor_active_forms(self, tfs): """ Description For a given transcription factor, find all active forms (i.e, form of the protein that regulates) of the transcription factor. Parms tfs, a frame id or PFrame. An instance of the class Proteins. Return value A list of instances of the class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-factor-active-forms', may_be_frameid(tfs))
[docs] def genes_regulating_gene(self, gene): """ Description Return all genes regulating the given gene by means of a transcription factor. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-regulating-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def genes_regulated_by_gene(self, gene): """ Description Return all genes regulated by the given gene by means of a transcription factor. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('genes-regulated-by-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def regulators_of_gene_transcription(self, gene, by_function=None): """ Description Returns a list of proteins that are regulators of the given gene. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. by_function Keyword, If True, then return two values: a list of activator proteins and a list of inhibitor proteins. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. If by_function is True, then two values are returned. The first value is a list of activator proteins, and the second value is a list of inhibitor proteins. """ kwargs = {'by-function?' : by_function} return self.sendPgdbFnCall('regulators-of-gene', may_be_frameid(gene), **kwargs)
[docs] def transcription_unit_activators(self, tu): """ Description Returns all activator proteins of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-activators', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_inhibitors(self, tu): """ Description Returns all inhibitor proteins of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-inhibitors', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def regulators_of_operon_transcription(self, operon_list, by_function=None): """ Description Returns a list of transcription factors of an operon. Parms operon_list A list of instances of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. by_function Keyword, If True, then return two values: a list of activator proteins and a list of inhibitor proteins. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. If the modified form of the protein is the transcription factor, then that is the protein returned. """ # Parameter by_function is optional for the Lisp fn. return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('regulators-of-operon-transcription', may_be_frameid(operon_list), by_function)
[docs] def transcription_unit_promoter(self, tu): """ Description Returns the promoter of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of class Promoters. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('transcription-unit-promoter', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_genes(self, tu): """ Description Returns the genes of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-genes', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_first_gene(self, tu): """ Description Returns the first gene of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of class Genes. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('transcription-unit-first-gene', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_binding_sites(self, tu): """ Description Returns the binding sites of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class DNA-Binding-Sites. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-binding-sites', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_transcription_factors(self, tu): """ Description Returns the binding sites of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class DNA-Binding-Sites. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-transcription-factors', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_mrna_binding_sites(self, tu): """ Description Returns the mRNA binding sites of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class mRNA-Binding-Sites. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-mrna-binding-sites', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def chromosome_of_operon(self, tu): """ Description Returns the replicon of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value An instance of class Genetic-Elements. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('chromosome-of-operon', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def binding_sites_affecting_gene(self, gene): """ Description Returns all binding sites which are present in the same transcription units as the given gene. Parms gene An instance of the class Genes, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class DNA-Binding-Sites. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('binding-sites-affecting-gene', may_be_frameid(gene))
[docs] def binding_site_to_regulators(self, bsite): """ Description Returns all of the transcription factors of the given binding site. Parms bsite An instance of class DNA-Binding-Sites, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('binding-site->regulators', may_be_frameid(bsite))
[docs] def transcription_units_of_promoter(self, promoter): """ Description Returns all transcription units of a given promoter. Parms promoter An instance of class Promoters, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-units-of-promoter', may_be_frameid(promoter))
[docs] def promoter_binding_sites(self, promoter): """ Description Returns all of the binding sites associated with the given promoter, across multiple transcription units. Parms promoter An instance of class Promoters, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class DNA-Binding-Sites. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('promoter-binding-sites', may_be_frameid(promoter))
[docs] def transcription_unit_terminators(self, operon): """ Description Returns the terminators of the given transcription unit. Parms operon An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Terminators. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-terminators', may_be_frameid(operon))
[docs] def containing_tus(self, site): """ Description Given a site (whether a DNA binding site, a promoter, a gene, or a terminator) along a transcription unit, return the correspodning transcription units. Parms site, a frame id or PFrame. An instance of class Transcription-Units, mRNA-Binding-Sites, DNA-Binding-Sites, Promoters, Genes, or Terminators. Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('containing-tus', may_be_frameid(site))
[docs] def containing_chromosome(self, site): """ Description Given a site (whether a DNA binding site, a promoter, a gene, or a terminator) along a transcription unit, return the correspodning regulon. Parms site, a frame id or PFrame. An instance of class Transcription-Units, mRNA-Binding-Sites, DNA-Binding-Sites, Promoters, Genes, or Terminators. Return value An instance of class Genetic-Elements. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCall('containing-chromosome', may_be_frameid(site))
[docs] def binding_site_promoters(self, tu): """ Description Returns the promoters of the given DNA binding site. Parms tu An instance of the class DNA-Binding-Sites, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Promoters. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('binding-site-promoters', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def transcription_unit_all_components(self, tu): """ Description Returns all components (binding sites, promoters, genes, terminators) of the given transcription unit. Parms tu An instance of the class Transcription-Units, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units, mRNA-Binding-Sites, DNA-Binding-Sites, Promoters, Genes, or Terminators. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('transcription-unit-all-components', may_be_frameid(tu))
[docs] def binding_site_transcription_units(self, promoter): """ Description Returns all transcription units of a given binding site. Parms promoter, a frame id or PFrame. An instance of class DNA-Binding-Sites or mRNA-Binding-Sites. Return value A list of instances of class Transcription-Units. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('binding-site-transcription-units', may_be_frameid(promoter))
[docs] def reactions_of_compound(self, cpd, non_specific_too=None,transport_only=None,compartment=None,enzymatic=None): """ Description Return all reactions in which the given compound participates as a substrate. Parms cpd, a frame id or PFrame. A child of class Compounds. non_specific_too Keyword, If True, returns all generic reactions where cpd, or a parent of cpd, appears as a substrate. transport_only Keyword, If True, return only transport reactions. compartment Keyword, If True, return only reactions within the specified compartment. enzymatic Keyword, If True, return only enzymatic reactions. Return value A list of children of class Reactions. """ kwargs = {'non-specific-too?': non_specific_too, 'transport-only?': transport_only, 'compartment': compartment, 'enzymatic?': enzymatic } return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('reactions-of-compound', may_be_frameid(cpd), **kwargs)
[docs] def substrate_of_generic_rxn(self, cpd, rxn): """ Description A predicate that determines if a parent of the given compound is a substrate of the given generic reaction. Parms cpd An instance of class Compounds, a frame id or PFrame. rxn An instance of class Reactions, a frame id or PFrame. Return value A boolean value. """ return self.sendPgdbFnCallBool('substrate-of-generic-rxn', may_be_frameid(cpd), may_be_frameid(rxn))
[docs] def pathways_of_compound(self, cpd, non_specific_too=None, modulators=None, phys_relevant=None, include_rxns=None): """ Description Returns all pathways in which the given compound appears as a substrate. Parms cpd An instance of class Compounds, a frame id or PFrame. non-specific_too Keyword, If True, returns all generic reactions where cpd, or a parent of cpd, appears as a substrate. modulators Keyword, If True, returns pathways where cpd appears as a regulator as well. phys-relevant Keyword, If True, then only return inhibitors that are associated with Regulation instances that have the physiologically-relevant? slot set to True. include-rxns Keyword, If True, then return a list of reaction-pathway pairs. Return value A list of instances of class Pathways. If include-rxns? is True, then a list of lists, where each sub-list consists of an instance of class Reactions and an instance of class Pathways. """ kwargs = {'non-specific-too?': non_specific_too, 'modulators?': modulators, 'phys-relevant?': phys_relevant, 'include-rxns?': include_rxns } return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('pathways-of-compound', may_be_frameid(cpd), **kwargs)
[docs] def deactivated_or_inhibited_by_compound(self, cpds, mode=None, mechanisms=None, phys_relevant=None, slots=None): """ Description Returns all pathways in which the given compound appears as a substrate. Parms cpds An instance or list of instances of class Compounds, a frame id or PFrame. mode Keyword, Represents the type of regulation. Can take on the values of "+", "-", or None. mechanisms Keyword, Keywords from the mechanism slot of the corresponding sub-class of the class Regulation. If True, only regulation objects with mechanisms in this list will be explored for regulated objects. phys_relevant Keyword, If True, then only return inhibitors that are associated with Regulation instances that have the physiologically-relevant? slot set to True. slots Keyword, A list of enzymatic reaction slots. Return value A list of instances of class Enzymatic-Reactions. """ kwargs = {'mode': mode, 'mechanisms': mechanisms, 'phys-relevant?': phys_relevant, 'slots': slots } return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('deactivated-or-inhibited-by-compound', may_be_frameid(cpds), **kwargs)
[docs] def tfs_bound_to_compound(self, cpd, include_inactive=None): """ Description Returns a list of protein complexes that, when bound to the given compound, act as a transcription factor. Parms cpd An instance of class Compounds, a frame id or PFrame. include_inactive Keyword, If True, then the inactive form of the protein is also checked. See the function transcription-factor? for more information. Return value A list of instances of class Proteins. """ kwargs = {'include-inactive?': include_inactive} return self.sendPgdbFnCallList('tfs-bound-to-compound', may_be_frameid(cpd), **kwargs)
[docs] def get_name_string(self, item, rxn_eqn_as_name=None, rxn_common_name_as_name=None, direction=None, name_slot=None, strip_html=None, include_species_strain_name=None, italicize_species=None, short_name=None, species_initials=None, primary_class=None): """ Description Given an object, compute the string name. The method used to compute the name varies per the object class. Parms item A frame id or PFrame. rxn_eqn_as_name Keyword, If True, then we use the reaction equation in string form as the name of the reaction. Defaults to True. rxn_common_name_as_name Keyword, If True, then we use the reaction's common name as the name of the reaction. direction Keyword, An argument of 'l2r' or 'r2l' can be given to specify the desired reaction orientiation when printed in reaction equation form. If this is not provided, then the reaction direction will be determined using pathway evidence. name_slot Keyword, The specified slotunit frame name, as a symbol, will be used for extracting the name of the frame. strip_html Keyword, Remove any HTML mark-up from the string form of the object name. include_species_strain_name Keyword, Provide proper italicization for the organism strain name. italicize_species Keyword, Provide proper italicization for the organism species name. short_name Keyword, If the ABBREV-NAME slot is populated for the frame, then its value will be used. species_initials Keyword, Print the name of the organism as initials. primary_class Keyword, Specify explicitly the primary class of the given frame. This can be used to override the internal reasoning of this function, and you can give a suggestion to the function to treat the frame as another class. Return value A string representing the name of the frame. """ kwargs = {'rxn-eqn-as-name': rxn_eqn_as_name, 'rxn-common-name-as-name': rxn_common_name_as_name, 'direction': direction, 'name-slot': name_slot, 'strip-html?': strip_html, 'include-species-strain-name?': include_species_strain_name, 'italicize-species?': italicize_species, 'short-name?': short_name, 'species-initials': species_initials, 'primary-class': Symbol(primary_class)} return self.sendPgdbFnCall('get-name-string', may_be_frameid(item), **kwargs)
[docs] def full_enzyme_name(self, enzyme, use_frame_name=None, name=None, activity_names=None): """ Description Compute the full name of an enzyme as the concatenation of the common name of the protein followed by the common names of its enzymatic reactions. Note that two enzrxns for the same enzyme could have the same common name, so we avoid including the same name twice. Parms enzyme An instance of the class Proteins, that is, a frame id or a PFrame. use_frame_name Keyword, If True, then the frameid of the enzyme instance is used in computing the enzyme name. Defaults to True. name Keyword, A string that bypasses the function, and will be returned as the value of the function. activity_names Keyword, A provided list of strings, that represent the names of the known catalytic activities of enzyme. Return value A string. """ # Parameters use_frame_name, name and activity_names are optional for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCall('full-enzyme-name', may_be_frameid(enzyme), use_frame_name, name, activity_names)
[docs] def enzyme_activity_name(self, enzyme, reaction=None): """ Description Computes the name of an enzyme in the context of a particular reaction. If the reaction is not provided, then we return the full enzyme name. Parms enzyme An instance of the class Proteins, that is, a frame id or a PFrame. reaction Keyword, An instance of the class Reactions. Return value A string. """ # Parameter reaction is optional for the Lisp fn version. return self.sendPgdbFnCall('enzyme-activity-name', may_be_frameid(enzyme), may_be_frameid(reaction))